Tuesday 18 August 2009

Mmmm Mondays...

First up on my 'planned list' to eat last night was a Chilli Bean Frittata - and I have to say it was delicious.
Made with three eggs plus three egg whites, it was big enough for two people or works as a dinner and lunch for the next day. Best of all, it packs a powerful protein punch while being low in calories and fat.
Egg whites contain just 16 calories but contain high concentrations of important amino acids which are vital to help muscles repair and recover after exercise. All that aside, in this recipe they make the frittata deliciously light and helps it to cook really quickly.
1 onion
1 red pepper
1 Birds Eye Chilli (or to taste)
Fresh mint and coriander
1 tin of sweet corn
3 eggs
3 egg whites

using a squitz of 1 cal cooking oil, saute onions, chilli and pepper and then add the corn. Remove from heat and place in a bowl.
Whisk the whole eggs and beat the egg whites separately until they form soft peaks. combine the two egg mixtures and whisk again to combine, then pour into the bowl with the veggies and stir. It will now look disgusting. But don't worry!
Resquirt the frying pan, heat and pour in the egg mixture. Sprinkle with the fresh herbs and cook on a medium heat - it should take literally minutes but you'll be able to tell as you'll see the sides of the egg mixture coming away from the pan.
Using a plate, upend the frying pan onto the plate and then carefully slide it back into the frying pan to finish off. Serve with a fresh watercress, spinach and rocket salad with balsamic. Delice!

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